My Ambitious Journey : Japan - Tokyo

Hii~ in the previous travelling story (Hong Kong), I've suggested not to be ambitious about the journey. But in this page I would tell you about the most ambitious journey I've ever had. I grew up with manga and cartoon from Japan, that’s why I was so excited about this journey and start being greedy. But it was (of course) not done pretty well. The deviation from the original itinerary is too high. This journey covers Tokyo and Kansai area thus it requires a lot of money. Besides, Japan's subway and bus fare is not cheap.

FYI, I hate flying and rarely sleep during flight though it is done in the middle night. The flight from Indonesia to Japan takes about 5 hours and departed in the middle of the night. I could not get some rest because we arrived early in the morning and the check in time is at noon. I was restless in the first day. Because we was in tight budget we choose hostel and sharing room (female dormitory). Japan accommodation is pretty expensive comparing with Korea especially in the spring and fall. But surprisingly even the hostel is comfortable and clean. The host is kind and helpful. I wouldn’t mind to stay in Japanese hostel again.

This story is about Tokyo and Kawaguchi-ko. The Kansai part comes later. :)

Preparing for transportation pass you use is important. The subway in Tokyo is rather complicated. You would need to google every time you go. That’s why preparing for internet and additional battery is a must. There are two major lines in Tokyo Subway; the JR and Metro. Their station mostly near each other. But JR line has more lines than Metro. You should know how many cities you would go during your stay. If you go long way to Saipporo or other far away city, then JR pass could save your budget. But if you only strolling between Tokyo and Kansai, Suica/Pasmo card is sufficient enough and more flexible because you can use both on Metro and JR. I've been bought Tokyo Metro Pass but the cost is around the same yet it is not flexible.

The plan for day 1 was going to Harajuku, Shinjuku and Shibuya. But you know it got messed up so we only went to Gyukatsu Motomura to eat, back to Hostel to wash and rest, Shibuya, Shinjuku. Gyukatsu Motomura is a famous restaurant in Japan. It has some chain in Kansai too and only serve beef. That’s why many muslim comes although it doesn’t have halal certification. It was the best menu I've had during the journey. Hehe. The outlet I went is a 5 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Station EXIT GATE. You will need to wait about half an hour before get in. The place is small relatively to the famine it has (only has 8 seat).

We went to Shibuya after maghrib. Right after the exit gate of Shibuya Metro Station, there are super famouse Hachiko statue. Right after the statue, there another famous spot, Shibuya Crossing Street. It is so crowded waw. Filled with people. Even in Jakarta I've never see such massive crowd walking. The best spot to enjoy the famous spot is in the Starbuck Shibuya Tsutaya just after crossing the street. We didn’t really enjoy taking photos in the crowd thus shortly after we were heading to Shinjuku to eat.
Hachiko park. So crowded yeah!
In Shinjuku, I parted ways with my friend because she would eat pork while I would like to try the authentic Coco Ichibanya Halal Version. I did my research so I confidently walked alone and was so surprised when I was walked through the red light district in Shinjuku (Kabukicho). At that time I was afraid since I passed some people dressed like yakuza or gokusen with some drunk women. That street was dark and quiet. Oh my god~ After ten minutes finally I found crowd and better light. Phew~  The halal Coco Curry is located in the basement and the lift is rather secluded. I need to walk around and around the building again. Alhamdulillah I could find it and eat another gourmet. The taste is rather different with what I have in Indonesia, but still good. :)

My friend come to pick me. She had to go through the same street and feel afraid too. Hahaha.

The Day 2. It was to to fulfill my dream. See the view of Mount Fuji.

From my research there are some place to see mount Fuji. The closest place to Tokyo are Gotemba and Kawaguchiko Lake. If you want to shop some branded item at more affordable price you should come to Gotemba. But if you are more nature lover you could come to Kawaguchi Lake. Especially in autumn, Kawaguchi Lake is one of the best spot to enjoy autumn in Japan.  So we went there. The transportation cost is pretty expensive yet you still need to pay additional entrance fee to most of the spot. 

There are two options to go to there from Tokyo.
  • First is by train. There are two option take a Limited Express to Otsuki from Shinjuku Station and then hop on the Fujikyu railway to Kawaguchiko. This journey just over two hours and costs ¥3,910. If you want to save some cash, you can catch a local train to Otsuki (cost ¥1490) instead, which adds half an hour to your travel time but can save you nearly ¥1,500. Then ride fujikyuko line (add cost about ¥1140).
  • Second is by highway bus . Fujikyu and JR Kanto Bus operate one to two direct buses per hour between Tokyo Station (Yaesu South Exit) and Kawaguchiko Station. The one way trip takes about two hours and costs 1800 yen. Online reservations can be made through Willer, Japan Bus Online and It was cheaper option but you need to expect delay. When back to Tokyo, the traffic was sucks and it needed 4 hours or so to reach Tokyo.

Kawaguchiko Station
After arrived in Kawaguchiko Station, you need to buy another bus to going around Kawaguchiko for ¥1500 all day. There are three kind of sightseeing bus. First, Red line covers the shortest track but famous spot. Green line covers middle track and Blue line covers the furthest. The bus ticket could be used to ride all kind of bus. The red line is the most crowded. The stop is near one another. For more detailed information about the routes and stop you could find it here

The place we visited are Maple Corridor, Kawaguchiko Natural Living Center (Red line) and Saiko Iyashi No Sato Nenba (green line).

The maple corridor is a 150m corridor filled with maple tree. It is so beautiful in autumn with red vibrant all over the corridor. After the corridor you would find a small market which sells tradisional japanese souvenirs and some snacks.

Maple Corridor
View after Maple Corridor. Beautiful right?

The Kawaguchiko Natural Living Center is in the end of red line bus just besides the lakes. From here we can see Mount Fuji with lake background. But, at that time, the sky is so cloudy so we could not capture the Fuji. Here you could also make blueberry jam by paying additional Y850.

Saiko Iyashi No Sato Nenba is another spot to see mount Fuji. There also a folks village there but you need extra cost to enter. Actually I visit this place randomly. But I feel so happy because I found prayer room there. Actually I already gave up to look for prayer room in Kawaguchiko. I did some googling but not find any clue about halal food nor prayer room. I would just pray in the bus I said. Buuuuuuttt~ Alhamdulillah, I randomly come to this site and found it. Syalalaaaa~

Mount Fuji in Saiko Iyashi No Sato Nenba
Walking path to folk village in Saiko
After back to Tokyo we went to Asakusa to look for food. But because we arrived late, many shops already closed. I only managed to get taiyaki. It is so sweet.
Asakusa Temple

Day 3. Strolling around Tokyo National Palace, Rikugien garden and Shopping
We supposed to go to Odaiba in the third day, but yeah, ended up in Tokyo station.

Despite the large are of Tokyo National Palace, there only small part of the palace that is open to public. Yeah it is so so lah. The effort is spent more in Tokyo Station. It is so confusing. There are many lines and many exit. From the train I guess it took about 30 minutes to head out. Besides, it is sooo crowded and made it more confusing. I ever got lost for a while.
Tokyo Palace

Rikugien garden is one of the most beautiful garden in Tokyo. Unfortunately we arrived there when the sky was dark so we couldn’t enjoy the visit. It is located just near Komagome station (Metro).
Rikkugien Garden

Then because we were heading to Osaka by bus from Shinjuku Terminal, we spent another time strolling around the shopping district.

If you want to see our itinerary  here it is 

The journey is not as beautiful as we plan. :')


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