Reply 1988 : My Impression After Watching

Because of Prison Playbook, I tried to watch another Shim Won Ho masterpiece, the Reply Series. Started from one which has the highest rating, Reply 1988. As the title, the time setting is in year 1988. I don’t know how it is like. I haven't born that time and I am not Korean so some jokes is just blank. Hahaha. But I enjoy watching this series. It hit my soft spot. I cried (almost wailed) in the ending. I was so sad that everything would never stay the same. Everybody should move on. Everyone has to :')

There is a monologue :

"In the end, fate and timing do not happen by coincidence. They are products of countless earnest choices that make up miraculous experiment. Giving up and making decisions without reservation or hesitation. That is what makes timing."

Then I cried again. :')

This is my first time watching K-Drama with this kind of emotion. Good job PD nim! It deserves its rating indeed.

The story lies in a housing block in Ssangmun-dong, Dobong, Seoul. When I search google maps, it is located near Bukhan-san, rather far from the heart of Seoul. There are five families there whom very close to one another. Never knocking the door when visited and always sharing  the food three times a day. If it is real, I would wonder if any conflicts ever happened to them. But it is just a story. Go away you skepticism~

Those five families has children who is in the same age. They are Sung Deok Sun, Sung Sun Woo, Kim Jung Hwan, Ryu Dong Ryong and Choi Taek. Deok Sun is the only girl here. But it didn’t make her get special treatment. The special treatment goes to Choi Taek, a master in Go game (baduk). He got some blank personality and not good into anything besides the Go game (another Kim Je Hyuk Prison Playbook). The other children is so protective around him. Choi Taek's room is like a basecamp though the owner hardly be there because of the competitions. In 1988, they are in high school age. Taek is not going to school and focusing on Go game. Like other teenagers, they start a romance story among them.

Their love story is not exaggerating and more realistic than any other drama but that what makes it sweet. Most fan of Reply would vote for Junghwan-Deok Sun couple because it has the best chemistry. In the end they are dating for real but I am just disappointed that it is not happened in the drama. In the early episodes, they give us some clues about who would be Deok Sun's husband. But the clues are just deception until two third of the story. I feel betrayed. Whyy~ you make Jung Hwan lose and force him to let go of his first love. Then, after being angry for the rest of the episodes, I would just accept that maybe it is what PD-nim want to tell, how to let go a long love like the title for episodes 18 Goodbye My First Love. Wkwkwk. The OST "Youth" by Kim Feel and Kim Chang Wan is a good choice, it makes the ending sadder.

Besides teenage love story, there is also a love story between father and his eldest daughter who are not good in expressing their feeling. Love that does not require a reply. Just watching their daughter happy or her father proud is enough. In that housing block every parents are the same. Always care for their children and would do anything just to make sure they eat well and not to worry their parents. The story is well told and the parent actors are veteran. The ending of this story is very touching. Another letting go story. :')

The PD-nim does not forget his time travel signature. Comparing with Prison Playbook and Hospital Playlist, this is the smoothest one. The theme is time travel to 1988 after all. Hahaha. Unlike Prison Playbook, I dont really find the comedic side of this drama. The touching side is more impactful. 

I would like to give a thumbs up to all parent actors, Hyeri who I never expect would acts so well, Ryu Jeong Yeol (he is not handsome but his acting covers that :p), Park Bo Gum (He feels manly here) and Lee Dong Hwi (He is the oldest among the children actors but he can suit his character)

The contra is I don’t really feel a good chemistry from Sun Woo and Bora. And I don’t really agree about Jung Hwan confession that turns to jokes. It is a plot twist but yeah hurtful. :’)

I would recommend this drama to everyone who bored with usual storyline and who needs consolation. I would continue watching another Reply stories, but I need time to reconstruct my emotion. I don’t want to cry a river again. Wkwk.

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